Saturday, February 23, 2008

Some days it just doesn't seem worth the effort

I think I must be definitely needing a dose of spring. After Friday my patience is thin and I think that right about now if someone looks at me sideways I might just poke 'em in the eye - figuratively - may be.

I'm tired, mostly tired of being tired. I'm tired of spending my life trying to prove to myself stuff that I shouldn't of had to. Mostly I'm tired of the fact that I now have to reach out. But like the child of abuse and neglect I'm reaching to no avail.

Thursday, February 07, 2008

So easy to pass judgement with NO/KNOW information

The animals seized by the SPCA in Cape Breton were in absolute agony and I don't doubt that everyone wants to blame someone. People want someone to be accountable. The sad truth is that there are so many people/agencies/government that are accountable. We should not be so quick to blame the SPCA for this disaster. Most of their special constables are volunteers. They do not receive funding from the government. They run solely on donations.

Let's look at the bigger picture shall we? The SPCA is entrusted with such an important job but they are not supported financially by any government agency. (In the beginning yearsThe Nova Scotia SPCA was also charged with investigaing Child Abuse in this province.)

If I were looking for a place to start in how this well meaning animal lover fell from caring to abusing animals I think that I would begin with the acquaintances/friends/family of the person running the Celtic Pets Rescue. Someone must have known or suspected that this person was not well. There were documented complaints but the investigators were not allowed access to the entire property, nor to investigate if recommended improvements had been made. Why? I suspect because accessing warrants for animal welfare issues is not an easy task. The body responsible for policing and protecting these animals are volunteers with few legal powers. Top that off with not having adequate funding. I am not saying that the process undertaken by the SPCA is without some burden of fault but I am saying that people have to pressure the government to assist the agencies entrusted with protecting animals in this province. I think if people started to truly think about this tragedy for the animals in the 'care' of the Celtic Pet Rescue and they wanted to point fingers they would find that they don't physically have enough 'fingers' to point.

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Dog's, Dog's, DAWGS! They show us how to be honest with ourselves, non-judgmental and to forgive quickly !