Sunday, November 23, 2008

Saturday, November 15, 2008

My thoughts are always of you three

I left half of my heart there with you when I left. This half is gaping and filled with sorrow. I miss you all so very much. I think about you all the time. I wonder what weird and wonderful clients Pam has. I wonder how Steph is finding her courses and how the saga of “How the Dorm Churns” is taking shape. I wonder if Jenn has started making her Christmas decorations yet? I am missing my weekend Wii-ing. Mathematically speaking you would think that half a heart would be lighter but it’s not. It’s like I tried to leave you as much love and happiness as I could and I brought with me all my sadness at leaving you all there. I am alone and missing you all terribly.

I hope you can find strength in each other and support one another. When you’re feeling edgy and short with each other remember that you’re all going through many emotions and take a deep breath and be kind to one another. Be patient and proud of each other for each of you is strong in your own way. Work together and you will all triumph over this hardship more quickly and with less pain. In the end you will be an even stronger family.

I love each of you so much.

Lynda AKA Ant

Sunday, November 09, 2008

The Cross Country Trek Back

We made it unscathed and with most of our sanity intact. My little car did awesome as did the passengers! I think all of my car's little idiosyncrasies were probably making my poor co-pilot a little crazy toward the end but he never showed it!
My car has a few 'issues' I wouldn't call them flaws it just needs a little understanding in it's old age, like the rest of us really. The trunk can only be opened from the inside with the button, the panel on the passenger door falls partially off so that the passenger cannot get out until they lean forward and I lean across and lift it from the bottom and unhook it (of course this also means that you normally can't get in it on that side unless you first get in the drivers side and unhook the bottom of the door and then go around and get in - unless I actually remember to unhook it before I get out each time we stopped), the trunk has a leaky spot (so you put the dog dishes there and not a piece of luggage, the windows leak mass amounts of air which makes listening to the stereo a waste of time because you can't hear it. But I love my little car with all of it's 'issues'. They make me laugh because it has character - like me!

The dogs did great as usual. Really no issues with them, people are always amazed at how well they travel - which I don't really get because I just think to myself well if you train them 'how' to behave in the vehicle then it's really a non-issue. But I guess that's just me and my other dog training friends. We only had trouble trying to find a place to stay with them once and that was because there was two hockey tournaments on that weekend and everywhere was booked.

Dad and I ate absolute crap all the way along our journey, except for the apples that Pam had supplied and we ate at least one of those a day!! They were very yummy and I am sure our bodies appreciated something that was good for us!

I have to say to all YOU truckers out there - I get that you pee in a bottle so that you don't have to pull into a rest stop every time you need to pee but do you have to throw your 'PEE' bottles on the ground full at the edges of all the gas stations when you do stop? Could you not put them in a bag and throw them in the garbage can beside the diesel pump?? All I can say is GROSS !!! Some of the gas stations have an awfully big pee bottle graveyard and of course that's usually where the grass is that you are trying to toilet your dogs! Oh and by the way I pick up the dog poop and throw it in the garbage so why can't you throw your pee containers in the bin too!!!

The economy must be in a crisis because compared to July of 2007 when we drove out to Nova Scotia there were a lot less Tim Horton's cups along the road! Very few actually, which is a good thing. As with the trip East we saw very little wildlife except for the geese. Holy Hat! We saw literally thousands and thousands of Canada Geese and Snow Geese when we were coming through Saskatchewan. There were so many it was unreal. I've seen, what I thought, big flocks before but this was amazing! They literally went on for miles in the fields and in the sky. It was like nothing I've ever seen before. The sky was full of them both sides of the highway, over the highway and it was just like the sky was alive. Wing flapping masses and masses of them. Really an incredible thing to behold!

We are trying to settle in now and get into some kind of routine, which has been hard because I'm trying to get so many things sorted out and having to drive so far now to do that. But it's coming together bit by bit.

I miss the Maritime peoples friendliness and openness and the pace of life that I hope they never lose.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Changed BLOGS & Other Stuff

I was blogging my day to day life (with humour :-) ) in my K9 Ko. Blog but decided that I wanted to keep that one dog related only so I've renamed it Funny Foibles and will now blog dog stuff under the K9 Ko blog!

My last day at the Vet Clinic I wiped out walking one of the dogs. Yup did a full blown header; you know one of those classy ones where you try desperately to catch yourself and in doing so you drag the invertible 'splat' out. Then gravity takes over and says just get it over with! And whomp you come crashing into Tera FIRMA. Not so bad if you're a lightweight. I'm no lightweight any more - but I didn't break anything just hurt my pride and have been stiff for a few days... the first few the worst. I've worked with 1000's of dogs over the years and I was taken down by a very happy and hyper little Maltese! Imagine! Thank God I didn't land on the little guy! Can't you just see that conversation... oh I'm sorry Lynda landed on your 10lb white fluff ball and he's now just a little flat fluffy paper weight. Too bad because we were just getting him house trained for you and he was walking on a leash now too!!

Sent more boxes off at the Post Office today. Bought some brown paper at the Dollar Store so that I don't have to repackage stuff that I have the boxes and packaging for. I am hoping that I'm nearly done. Just clothes, computer related stuff and linens oh crap and some more scrapbooking stuff. Then I'm done.

Sally Ann is coming on Thursday to pick up some of the furniture that we can't take with us. More packing required yet but hopefully by Tuesday we're ready for the movers. Well actually I'm hoping Dad and I will be on the road that day too!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

More packing....

Webfetti.comWe're on the move again! Sort, turf and pack - REPEAT over and over. We have a load of stuff that we're hoping the Salvation Army will come and pick up; old furniture and even some new furniture and lots of dishes and stuff!
Funny how when you're moving by Canada Post how brutal you can be when it comes to the turfing part of the process. I mean it's not like they care how many boxes you send but it does cost you; although I'm not complaining because it is cheaper then renting a U-Haul or shipping it by bus. Speaking of shipping by bus I was really disgusted with the people at this end. They didn't seem to know what they were doing so they had me send 3 boxes on 1 weigh bill and the one I wanted insured on the other. Insurance is like $2 - Big whoop right? But by using two weigh bills it cost me twice or three times what it would have to insure the whole lot of boxes. Now here's the part that really cheesed me off: There was 3 people standing up front (one of them the manager) and not once did they open the door for me while I was coming and going with each large box. Needless to say I switched to Canada Post!
Moving by postal service has a very weird feel to it. It's like you've sunk as low as you can on the financial scale and you've now had to resort to CP. Of course if you look at it from a different angle one could say that you are actually quite financially shrewd because you are using them as your movers! Either way it is just weird.
Pam and I are busily packing up the stuff from the living room & kitchen that they aren't going to be needing right soon and putting the full boxes in our now empty family room.

The dogs of course look at all these boxes around in various stages of being packed and look at you as if to say "Oh man are we moving again?" My poor dogs and I have moved so many times it's crazy. This will be our 7th move in 3-4 years. They're very good about it. Naturally though if they knew now that we are going to be driving all the way to Alberta they would not be too happy. It's a long drive and a lot of time in the car each day.

Another chapter developing in our crazy lives!

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

You cannot saw through rawhide!

Do not try this at home folks! Today I was being 'thrifty' and bought some enzyme coated rawhide chews for Olivia but they are too long so I thought cool I'll double my money and saw them in half with the table saw. If you're getting that sick feeling like you do when watching a St. John's Ambulance Video then you're on the right track. I now have a circular cut on my cheek where the half of the bone flew into my face. OUCH!! Undaunted, and stubborn, I attempted to use the chop saw. Yeah same thing they fly all over the damn place and they were not even cut just rough and pokey and all over the damn garage. So if they don't make the chewies the right size for your teeny tiny little doggie then don't buy them assuming that you can do something about it.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

If you like slapstick comedy...

Laurel and Hardy were funny weren't they?!! They were truly gifted although the mean streak got old didn't it?
Pam & I are pretty funny too, especially when we are working on renovations or moving large and heavy furniture. We really should sell tickets. No matter where we live people always seem to comment about how we do so many things. We paint, drywall, lay floors, put up ceilings, lay cement blocks, haul gravel by the tonne with a weeny wheel barrel, etc. but never without laugh your socks off antics!
Today we were putting the large shutters back up (had them down to paint) and then taking down the shutters from the second floor. To do that we needed to extend the ladder almost as far as it would go. Now you need to understand that Pam and I have a hard enough time trying to maneuver this ladder when it is as short as it goes let alone when it is stretched out as far as it can go. We are also awful judges of where to put the 'wing thingers' in the sides of the ladder so that you don't bend the gutters. Yup we had a job getting the ladder up. No windows were broken during this escapade (Thank you Lord!!). Between our attempts at putting the ladder up against the house, the bugs that insist on making your life more difficult because it's really hard to hold/climb a ladder while you're doing the 'AHHHHH' there's a bug on me dance we did actually get the job done. Yup and I'm sure we entertained the neighbourhood while we were at it. Laughing is good for you though so we're supplying an essential service at the same time.
After completing the outside stuff and both still being in one piece we decided that we would move the office from one room to another to make room for Jenn's arrival.
Pam has a lovely desk, really she does but it's freaking huge and weighs a ton! It's also very wide and too long to leave the room it's currently in without being tipped up on it's side. We decided that while we both had a few knuckles unscathed we would have to tip it up on end. Done! Put an edge on a blanket and slide it down the hallway while balancing it precariously so that it doesn't scratch the hardwood... the blanket we had slid under it was too small so we had to kind of keep it up on a tiny little edge.... now we get it to Pam's room... there's already a fair amount of bedroom furniture in there to which we now are adding a whole office... You're thinking yeah so? Well Pam and I are not tiny people. We are fairly well padded shall I say. So you've got a small amount of room with which you have to get the desk in while being able to get behind it and also putting the hutch back on - did I mention the hutch weighs almost as much as the damn desk? Oh the fun... it's not so hard to lift it, say waist height, but try lifting it almost chest high... yeah it's heavy and we're bent like pretzels, a bum bumped a wonky bookcase which was full and falling toward a nearly full glass of pepsi, with much grunting nothing fell!!!... too funny thank goodness the fly on the wall didn't have a cell phone camera! Anyway now it's done and other then a little early onset rigor mortise we are grand!
We're thinking that when I have to haul myself back up that ladder to rehang the upstairs shutters we'll sell tickets, $19.95 for unlimited laughs?
On a serious note though we have accomplished a lot since arriving 13 months ago...
  • put down tile in a family room in the basement and painted the room as well (Steph's crash pad)
  • we learned how to move, store and split wood and heat with a wood stove
  • moved half of the office downstairs to make room for guests (much anticipated!)
  • gave the front trees and bushes a major pruning
  • leveled out the major bumps in the front yard and actually have grass growing amidst the clover this year!
  • dug a trench (a very long and deep trench), made it into a french drain with a dry well at one end
  • lined the trench with landscape cloth, filled with rock and then covered it with cloth and more rock
  • leveled out the worst parts of the backyard with the dirt from the trench
  • neighbours chopped down one dead tree
  • built 5 planters
  • scraped, caulked, painted main floor windows and garage doors
  • placed sidewalk blocks strategically around the gravel with intermittent pots of flowers, birdbath etc.
  • landscape ties - surround gravel and follow much of the fence line to Olivia proof the backyard
  • removed and painted garage shutters - rehung
  • removed the shutters and spray painted them with half a dozen coats each (6 main floor, 4 upper)
  • scrubbed the siding to remove dirt, algae, moss etc.
  • Built a very large wood shed for the firewood
  • fixed the lawnmower - the wheel fell off, only after chewing a great hunk of my good grass out
  • went on a chinch bug hunt and attack
  • cleaned and stained the front and back 2 decks (spindle railings look pretty but are a huge pain the the butt to stain!!)
  • rehung main floor shutters
  • MORE to come !!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Today I bid you adieu....

Oh what a day! Egad you'd think it was a Monday or April 1st or something!

  • First when I went to leave for the hardware store to get more stuff for the fire wood shed I had to pump up all 4 of my car tires first (they keep going flat)
  • I picked up everything on my list
  • Even though I measured twice I still had to cut three times
  • I ran out of screws, I'm STILL working on a roof for the wood shed
  • I went to check out a kennel that makes their own raw dog food, I thought it would take 30 mins to get there... it took 45 and of course I had left late because the damn roof wasn't cooperating
  • Picked up more screws
  • Came home and heard it's going to storm tomorrow so I had to mow the front lawn
  • it bottomed out and ate a strip of my lawn (not the crappy weedy part but the nice part)
  • I adjusted the wheels twice - quite perplexed
  • the damn wheel fell off - yeah all the way off
  • fixed it - and mowed the rest of the lawn with a wrench and pliers in my back pocket, just in case!
  • picked up two piles of dog shit - that wasn't from my dogs (that's one more pile then last week) Even though I pick up dog poop every day from my dogs it really pisses me off when people let their dogs crap on my lawn and LEAVE it there!!
I've had a coke now so I'm better and I'm going to go and pour another so I'll be fine. Good thing this day is over in 2 hours, glad to see it go!!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Sun came out....

The sun made an appearance yesterday. Thank goodness because I think that it has only rained three times on my birthday in 39 years. Not a bad record! Must be a great day to have a birthday.
The sun has disappeared again today and it is supposed to rain some more... ughh!
I think I will go get to the boring and mundane crap that needs to be done and then, if I'm smart, I'll go work on the books for MVPi and then perhaps, (hopefully) have some time left to do some scrapbooking.
Yesterday morning Pam and I were both standing out on the front porch shortly after 7 a.m. and the number of birds out there flying in and out of our tree was unreal. American Goldfinches, robins, 2 humming birds, a young blue jay, some kind of yellow warblers, fancy looking sparrows and a short time later Pam saw a Northern Flicker (wood pecker). It was bizarre like something out of a movie, because the action never stopped.
I was nice to talk to Mum and Dad yesterday, Nana, and Sheryl, we had a good laugh and that's what family is all about right?
I'd better run to the hardware store (in the rain) and pick up one or two things to finish off the wood shed. Yippee. I want to get that done and the shutters painted as well as the mulch in the flower beds - they look kind of silly with the landscape cloth down and nothing on it yet.

Monday, August 04, 2008

Oh The Rain!!!

I am truly hopeful that this blasted rain is going to stop soon, at least long enough to get outside and get some fresh air. The humidity could take a hike too as far as I am concerned. This weather does nothing for dog training. I was out with my big guy today because there was about 45 minutes where the rain stopped and the sun came out. And I thought PERFECT - let's go do some work buddy!! So I packed my pockets with all the essentials... treats for the new behaviours we're working on and baggies (no explanation needed there!). I was amazed how quickly the pavement had dried and didn't fathom that in that short time it could be that hot for my poor dog! It's been sunless for a week now... not raining the entire time but no SUNSHINE. Poor Paycee was pretty hot because all though the air was cool the pavement was throwing a surprising amount of heat and therefore panting to cool himself was not terribly efficient. I cut the walk short and headed back home, trouble is we went a new route and my middle name being 'wrong way Robertson' it took me longer that I'd have liked. Since he's too big to carry we walked the last leg pretty slow. Next time - I'll take water, and next time I'll put my hand on the asphalt before heading out on a long trek. Sorry buddy - won't happen again, I promise!

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Building a wood shed!

Yup, I'm building a shed to keep our firewood dry. Wet wood does not produce a whole lot of heat. Clogs the chimney, smells like hell and is really hard to keep burning. Need I say more?
Today I managed to lay the base and put up all the 4x4's but one. I somehow had a brain fart and I'm short two 4x4's. Alas tomorrow I shall squish two more in my little Neon. Oh yes it can be done, it does however make shifting gears a little problematic!
So how does one erect the frame of a shed by ones self? Imagination!! Yup. Believe it or not a rubber garden hose held one end of each 2x4 that now holds all the 4x4's together while I nailed the other end. Yes it is level and yes it square. The neighbours were all in bed early tonight... tired from all the laughing. It started to pour rain at one point but I couldn't leave it because the 4x4's were vertical (with no supporting 2x4's) and I thought one little puff of wind and they'd be done and definitely nothing would remain square. So I threw on my outrider jacket and hat and had at it in the rain. Yup - it was warm anyway. Felt like I should be building a calf shelter or something. Tomorrow I'm hoping to have everything that I can do by myself done. I'll need an extra set of arms to put the roof on I think. All is good. Next project: staining the front deck and stairs and then the back upper and lower decks and stairs.... In between I'm finishing off a few planters. Busy is good.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Spybot - Search and Destroy

My computer has been getting slower and slower - we all experience this from time to time and do some maintenance but today I decided to run a scan from Spybot. I had used them a few years ago and then well I just started to rely on Norton for all of my security. Well guess what folks. Norton 360 is $80 or so and Spybot is free. Yup that's right free! You have to try it and more importantly you really should read their licensing agreement. It is so damn funny the way he explains why it's free etc.! Anyway I have had this software recommended to me by several computer geek types that work in and with computers. I ran a scan today. It caught 134 issues affecting my poor little computer's performance. I donated $10 to the developer because frankly I think he deserves to be paid for all the work he does. Just google "spybot" you'll be very glad that you did.

Sunday, July 06, 2008

Paycee and Pals

Click to play Paycee and Pals
Create your own postcard - Powered by Smilebox
Make a Smilebox postcard

Olivia Busy Busy Busy !

Click to play Olivia busy busy busy
Create your own postcard - Powered by Smilebox
Make a Smilebox postcard

Is she cute or what?? She is outside almost all day when it's nice out and is as happy as a clam!

Friday, June 20, 2008

I wonder do you get used to the humidity?

Today we have 100% humidity and it's not even raining. Wowzers! The sun is finally breaking through the fog/misty stuff though so that's good!! Even Olivia has a kink to her fur or it could be frizz! Oh well we all suffer from the perpetual feeling of stickiness together. It's part of what keeps Nova Scotian's close! The fun part on days like this is trying to decide what's worse the clamminess/closeness or the black flies. Do I want to put bug spray on? I already feel like I've been rolled in Post-it Note stick. But the flies seem even more attracted to you - so then your sweaty and you have to either wear your black fly hat/net or spray or both. For such a small insect they do cause me great distress. Yes they are worse than mosquito's! These little critters are very creative. They don't just bite your ankles around your sock they will actually crawl up your pant leg and bite you wherever they want. Even the thickest jeans do not stop these little biters!

Of course it smells like heaven out there! Lush and green and yes you can smell the flowers, it wafts up to you as soon as you step outside. The grass is green and the flowers gorgeous - our Holly bushes are growing nicely. The geranium flowers are so big I don't know how the little stick of a plant holds them up. In an attempt to bring the outdoors in I have bought some beautiful plant pots at Costco and filled them with plants for my bedroom. The pots are bright colours and have flowers on them with some of the nicer looking bugs... ladybugs, dragon flies and butterflies. On gloomy days I will have some brightness in my room just the same. I even bought some cactus' - touch wood I seem to be having better luck with them now.

Well the sunshine and the outdoors is calling - I must head it's call!

Thursday, June 05, 2008

Client's progression made my week!

It's always so nice when a client does their homework and puts the much needed time and effort into working with their dog. It is so rewarding to see their relationship change. Watching the newly reinvented 'team' working together and actually enjoying their outings is great. The confidence of both dog and handler grows and they can now manage to negotiate their way through situations that once were unbearable for the owner but also for the dog. The level of fear in the dog recedes and is slowly replaced with trust of the handler. It's amazing what can be accomplished.

Monday, May 19, 2008

On growing older...

Lately when I look in the mirror I see evidence that I am aging. No shock there but I guess the way I feel about it is. I see the wrinkles forming by my eyes and think that they have been caused by all the laughing I have done over the years. Those wrinkles I welcome because they are a testament to the happiness I have been blessed with over the years. Laugh lines... a testament to my life with family and friends.

Sunday, May 04, 2008

Another weekend comes to a close...

I was going to start my post saying something like - so much to do and so little time... blah blah...- but

Two of our family members in Edmonton had an awful weekend! First poor Collin was stabbed! Can you believe that ? Good God in his own backyard no less on Friday. Then yesterday Jenn was on her way from work to a family function and getting a ride with a co-worker and their car was hit by someone running a red light. That asshole fled the scene! Steve's car is a write off and Jenn was unconscious for 6 hours and in hospital. The impact was on her side and the car was spun around. Collin and Jenn missed Mum and Dad's much belated birthday celebrations but thank goodness they are both still alive and going to be alright. Unbelievable. I am Gobsmacked to say the least.

Around here things were more low key. Thankfully ! I had a client on Thursday morning a nice Chocolate Lab. After 10 days of cat sitting I am done. Pam has been working away on a coarse of course!! Hah, so punny!! Steph is readying herself for her interview on Monday. Pam has helped her prepare for the interview questions they will most likely ask her and coached her with questions that she may want to ask them. She's kind of nervous but I think she'll do awesome! It seems right up her ally. I'm still digging my trench out back so that my doggies will have a much nicer backyard to hang out in.

The crocus are all up and even starting to finish. Some tulips are still coming up and some are already done. The flowering bushes are starting to pop too! The trees are budding and some of them are even starting to open up into leaves. The grass in the back is very green already. The front not so much yet but it will come!! Spring is definitely a foot on the East Coast!

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Chihuahua prints on my dinner plate !

Who'd have thunk it possible? There I was sitting on the chesterfield having just finished my dinner. Paycee, being a good dog, lying at my feet asleep. Olivia was on the prowl. She had hopped up on Paycee's back, which is where she frequently sleeps while we are eating. Tonight though she could not control herself, the smell of Bev's lasagna was just too much to handle and she catapulted herself onto the couch - but she over estimated her jump and landed right on my dinner plate. She was some shocked as she skidded across my plate and landed up on my chest. While laughing uncontrollably I glanced down. There, in the tomato sauce, were little chihuahua skid marks and a paw print. The look on her face was priceless. You'd think she had landed on a hot tin roof. It was not her planned method of attack. She was thinking she would just sit on my lap next to the plate and look at me longingly. Don't know why she bothers because she never gets table food. But I have to give her credit for being persistent. I have had her for 3 years and she still tries.
Good thing it isn't Paycee that launches himself places. Can't imagine 125 lbs landing on my lap and on top of my plate!
I still have tiny little tomato sauce prints on my t-shirt!

Friday, April 18, 2008

More spring like weather tomorrow!

Having a start on my farmer's tan in April is very exciting!! Yesterday I worked in the backyard for 5 hours and got a lot done. I think that I am truly solar powered human being.

I dug half of my trench for the French drain that I am making to assist with draining the water out of the back yard. Had to do something before the ducks moved in!! The dogs hate going out to do their business with the grass half under water, especially my big tough Rotty! He, apparently, has very delicate feet!

When my back had had enough digging I raked the lawn, bagged the collective raking debris and then set about spreading pelleted lime on the lawn. Then I dug some more!!

Today was overcast and drizzly so I did a bit of shopping and some housework. Tomorrow the sun is making another appearance so I will tackle the trench some more, and relocate the wood from the dead tree our neighbours chopped down for us, and hopefully rake the front lawn.

Cheers to Ross and Mike for coming over and chopping down our large and very dead tree. And even more thanks to you both for piling the wood into neat piles. Enjoy your Keith's guys and many thanks!!

Sunday, April 13, 2008

A really great movie

Wow! We just watched the movie "August Rush" and it is a fantastic movie! I had heard that it was good but really in trying to describe it I feel at a loss for words.

I recommend that everyone rent this movie and watch it. It will undoubtedly leave, you too, somewhat speechless. This is a really good kind of speechless though. So my loyal readership (lol) tell everyone that you know to rent it, I guarantee that it will be the best $10 you have spent in years. Enjoy it and imagine.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

A rainy Saturday

Today I can honestly say that my mind is 4000 km's away. My family and friends are on my mind today, so I thought that I would write about that today. The oddest thing that happens to me, being so far away and three hours ahead, is that I frequently want to call people in the morning. However, that would mean that I would be calling you all way too early, thereby quickly cutting down my number of friends!

Today I have borrowed Pam's brand new office chair! Oh my! It is so comfortable. It makes my $20 Ikea chair not only look like and antique it also explains why it is so damn uncomfortable. It's kind of like sitting on an old wood stump that one might actually use to chop wood on except that if you have really good calf muscles you can make it roll with immense effort. I can see myself saving some money up for one of these chairs. May be I should stop encouraging Pam to fix her computer, because the sooner she does the sooner she will be back up in her office and in her chair! lol

It's a rainy and kind of gloomy day here today but I'm not too bothered about it because yesterday I managed to get the tree's pruned, at long last as well as bundle up last years trimmings that the fencing guy had done. We were afraid that something had taken up residence in the pile of tree debris in the back corner of the yard because the dogs seem to really enjoy giving it a good sniff and paw. But to our relief there was nothing living in there. It looks nice and tidy once again with only one hitch, now there is another large spot where Olivia can get under the fence. She doesn't even have to duck, she can just walk right under! Sometimes having a dog with a 4 inch inseam can be very challenging!

Soon I will be digging up parts of the back yard to put in some drainage areas. Currently the yard is partially under water. We have even purchased and put down sidewalk blocks so the dogs can walk on those to the drier parts of the yard!

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Thank you!

Firstly I would like to thank my readership of 2 for checking out my blog!! Mostly though I want to thank you for taking the time to comment on what I have written and knowing how to read through my, somewhat weak, attempt at being slightly cryptic in what I am saying. Those that know me know what is on my mind.
Friends are not easily defined. Being a good friend does not entail chatting every day or even being able to pop over on a regular basis. A friend just knows when you need a lift or a simple word or gesture to lift your spirits. Thanks friends!

Friday, March 28, 2008

Right back atcha!

I can't believe the amount of stress I have put myself through over this last month trying to make a decision. Being new to the area I really don't want to upset any new acquaintances that I have made. It has taken me this long to see that the same thoughtfulness is not reciprocated. Granted that is a rather broad and sweeping statement and I do not mean to lump everyone in there all together. I am just disappointed. Very disappointed and disheartened.

Life will go on though and I will once again align myself with projecting positive energy which will assist me in attracting positive energy and influences back. This is a process of 'right back atcha' that I really like! As of late I have been unable to deflect negative energies and so have absorbed and been consumed by them. Well no more!

Tomorrow I will once again; think positive thoughts (even about negative things- yes it can be done), perform random acts of kindness, and enjoy myself.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Decisions Descisions

Although there are times in my life where I crave change I have a huge problem with the actual leap it can take to achieve it.
Often times the problem comes from worrying more about what other people are going to think, and whether I can live with what that might be, than from what I want to do. Sometimes my desire not to disrupt or ruffle other people makes me actually stay in a position that makes no sense to my well being whether that be physically, mentally or even monetarily.
So I need to decide, jump or stay? I'm thinking jump! There's no risk financially for sure, but what about retaining friends? Hmmm. I'm going to hope that they want what's best for me too!

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Light therapy

I'll admit that when I do not get enough sunlight my mood, my stamina, my brain... they all falter. And yes I should really be taking a half an hour every morning to turn on my little sun machine and trick my brain into believing that the sun is really shining on me.

I think that I'm not alone. I think that this condition, SAD as it's referred to, is probably genetic. May be I ought to plug the light in and we can all take turns, facing the light. I guess it's easier to face the light than the music.

Tomorrow will be an interesting day I think. Monday even more so, but I'm sure that staring into the bright light will numb my brain enough to feign my way through it all.


Thursday, March 13, 2008

What do you do when nothing you do is good enough?

I take issue with people that continually and deliberately cut you down. My personality is such that I just try harder to get approval. In the work place this gets very complicated because I refuse to let my work ethic or professionalism suffer as a result of workplace strife.
The harder I work, in an effort to avoid staff interaction, the more flack I seem to get for trying hard. "Why bother, nobody cares" or "What are you stupid?".... blah blah blah.
If the staff could see themselves as a team and see that if we all pulled together the service, animal and client care and reputation of the clinic would be awesome. If that were to happen there would be benefits to the staff too: Pride, accomplishment and most likely increased wages.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Some days it just doesn't seem worth the effort

I think I must be definitely needing a dose of spring. After Friday my patience is thin and I think that right about now if someone looks at me sideways I might just poke 'em in the eye - figuratively - may be.

I'm tired, mostly tired of being tired. I'm tired of spending my life trying to prove to myself stuff that I shouldn't of had to. Mostly I'm tired of the fact that I now have to reach out. But like the child of abuse and neglect I'm reaching to no avail.

Thursday, February 07, 2008

So easy to pass judgement with NO/KNOW information

The animals seized by the SPCA in Cape Breton were in absolute agony and I don't doubt that everyone wants to blame someone. People want someone to be accountable. The sad truth is that there are so many people/agencies/government that are accountable. We should not be so quick to blame the SPCA for this disaster. Most of their special constables are volunteers. They do not receive funding from the government. They run solely on donations.

Let's look at the bigger picture shall we? The SPCA is entrusted with such an important job but they are not supported financially by any government agency. (In the beginning yearsThe Nova Scotia SPCA was also charged with investigaing Child Abuse in this province.)

If I were looking for a place to start in how this well meaning animal lover fell from caring to abusing animals I think that I would begin with the acquaintances/friends/family of the person running the Celtic Pets Rescue. Someone must have known or suspected that this person was not well. There were documented complaints but the investigators were not allowed access to the entire property, nor to investigate if recommended improvements had been made. Why? I suspect because accessing warrants for animal welfare issues is not an easy task. The body responsible for policing and protecting these animals are volunteers with few legal powers. Top that off with not having adequate funding. I am not saying that the process undertaken by the SPCA is without some burden of fault but I am saying that people have to pressure the government to assist the agencies entrusted with protecting animals in this province. I think if people started to truly think about this tragedy for the animals in the 'care' of the Celtic Pet Rescue and they wanted to point fingers they would find that they don't physically have enough 'fingers' to point.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Moving furniture again...

Pam and I began the day with readying the 'new' living room for the furniture from the current living room. We decided to do this for a few reasons; one was that our power bill was out of this world, meaning that we had better find a way to heat the house more efficiently with the wood stove and in order to do that we had to keep the wood stove a lot hotter, which makes it impossible to stay in that room and watch TV or anything without melting into a pile of goo. We also needed to make room in the office for beds for Mum and Dad. So now we have a little library/sitting room where the wood stove is and a guest room. Well almost, we still have to set up the two beds, although they are in there just not put together yet. I think they will be quite comfy in there and will enjoy their visit with us. Only six more days!! We're finally getting around to hanging pictures and making this our home not just our house. We are enjoying this and although it has been pretty physical work, we're both happy with how things are coming together!

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

A sea of opportunity to initiate change

We've traversed the country and landed in beautiful Nova Scotia. Gorgeous scenery, and super people. We can see many opportunities here for us to grow, learn and prosper as a family. Ma & Pa Kettle will be joining us soon for a visit and we are excitedly awaiting their arrival.

On the 'pet front' there are several issues that I think would be interesting to encourage and perhaps enable change in the area. Such as a spay and neuter program, incorporating interest and functionality of the HRM dog licensing system/program, generating interest and excitement regarding the behaviour of dogs (The dominance theory is only a theory) training animal health professionals on safe pet handling and restraint techniques... the ideas are endless as is the need.

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Dog's, Dog's, DAWGS! They show us how to be honest with ourselves, non-judgmental and to forgive quickly !