Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Changed BLOGS & Other Stuff

I was blogging my day to day life (with humour :-) ) in my K9 Ko. Blog but decided that I wanted to keep that one dog related only so I've renamed it Funny Foibles and will now blog dog stuff under the K9 Ko blog!

My last day at the Vet Clinic I wiped out walking one of the dogs. Yup did a full blown header; you know one of those classy ones where you try desperately to catch yourself and in doing so you drag the invertible 'splat' out. Then gravity takes over and says just get it over with! And whomp you come crashing into Tera FIRMA. Not so bad if you're a lightweight. I'm no lightweight any more - but I didn't break anything just hurt my pride and have been stiff for a few days... the first few the worst. I've worked with 1000's of dogs over the years and I was taken down by a very happy and hyper little Maltese! Imagine! Thank God I didn't land on the little guy! Can't you just see that conversation... oh I'm sorry Lynda landed on your 10lb white fluff ball and he's now just a little flat fluffy paper weight. Too bad because we were just getting him house trained for you and he was walking on a leash now too!!

Sent more boxes off at the Post Office today. Bought some brown paper at the Dollar Store so that I don't have to repackage stuff that I have the boxes and packaging for. I am hoping that I'm nearly done. Just clothes, computer related stuff and linens oh crap and some more scrapbooking stuff. Then I'm done.

Sally Ann is coming on Thursday to pick up some of the furniture that we can't take with us. More packing required yet but hopefully by Tuesday we're ready for the movers. Well actually I'm hoping Dad and I will be on the road that day too!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

More packing....

Webfetti.comWe're on the move again! Sort, turf and pack - REPEAT over and over. We have a load of stuff that we're hoping the Salvation Army will come and pick up; old furniture and even some new furniture and lots of dishes and stuff!
Funny how when you're moving by Canada Post how brutal you can be when it comes to the turfing part of the process. I mean it's not like they care how many boxes you send but it does cost you; although I'm not complaining because it is cheaper then renting a U-Haul or shipping it by bus. Speaking of shipping by bus I was really disgusted with the people at this end. They didn't seem to know what they were doing so they had me send 3 boxes on 1 weigh bill and the one I wanted insured on the other. Insurance is like $2 - Big whoop right? But by using two weigh bills it cost me twice or three times what it would have to insure the whole lot of boxes. Now here's the part that really cheesed me off: There was 3 people standing up front (one of them the manager) and not once did they open the door for me while I was coming and going with each large box. Needless to say I switched to Canada Post!
Moving by postal service has a very weird feel to it. It's like you've sunk as low as you can on the financial scale and you've now had to resort to CP. Of course if you look at it from a different angle one could say that you are actually quite financially shrewd because you are using them as your movers! Either way it is just weird.
Pam and I are busily packing up the stuff from the living room & kitchen that they aren't going to be needing right soon and putting the full boxes in our now empty family room.

The dogs of course look at all these boxes around in various stages of being packed and look at you as if to say "Oh man are we moving again?" My poor dogs and I have moved so many times it's crazy. This will be our 7th move in 3-4 years. They're very good about it. Naturally though if they knew now that we are going to be driving all the way to Alberta they would not be too happy. It's a long drive and a lot of time in the car each day.

Another chapter developing in our crazy lives!

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

You cannot saw through rawhide!

Do not try this at home folks! Today I was being 'thrifty' and bought some enzyme coated rawhide chews for Olivia but they are too long so I thought cool I'll double my money and saw them in half with the table saw. If you're getting that sick feeling like you do when watching a St. John's Ambulance Video then you're on the right track. I now have a circular cut on my cheek where the half of the bone flew into my face. OUCH!! Undaunted, and stubborn, I attempted to use the chop saw. Yeah same thing they fly all over the damn place and they were not even cut just rough and pokey and all over the damn garage. So if they don't make the chewies the right size for your teeny tiny little doggie then don't buy them assuming that you can do something about it.

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Dog's, Dog's, DAWGS! They show us how to be honest with ourselves, non-judgmental and to forgive quickly !