Wednesday, October 01, 2008

You cannot saw through rawhide!

Do not try this at home folks! Today I was being 'thrifty' and bought some enzyme coated rawhide chews for Olivia but they are too long so I thought cool I'll double my money and saw them in half with the table saw. If you're getting that sick feeling like you do when watching a St. John's Ambulance Video then you're on the right track. I now have a circular cut on my cheek where the half of the bone flew into my face. OUCH!! Undaunted, and stubborn, I attempted to use the chop saw. Yeah same thing they fly all over the damn place and they were not even cut just rough and pokey and all over the damn garage. So if they don't make the chewies the right size for your teeny tiny little doggie then don't buy them assuming that you can do something about it.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Egads Lynda! You could have lost an eye! Poor Olivia, the little beggar; now her chews are all over the garage and not in her tummy. No wonder she was staring at me so intensely last night. I think she knows what happened!

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Dog's, Dog's, DAWGS! They show us how to be honest with ourselves, non-judgmental and to forgive quickly !