Saturday, January 24, 2009

A new look for my Blog!

It was time for a change. Of course these things always take me hours longer then I anticipate at the outset of my 'wee' endeavour! I have enjoyed working on the look of this blog though.
A blog really is a very personal thing when you get right down to it. You're trying to squish a lot about yourself into a person's first look at your blog. Weird really when you consider that most of us put more effort into our blogs then into our relationships with our neighbours. Something that I hope to change in the summer!! Getting to know my neighbours that is. One of our neighbours runs his snow blower down or front sidewalk when we get a big dump of snow and I want to tell him how much it is appreciated! May be I will simply drop a thank you card in his mailbox. It's a small thing to thank him for such a big thing!
Winter seems to be dragging on and we're only in January - mind you January is almost over! Why on earth I live in such a cold place 6 months out of the year is a mystery to me. Although I don't know that I have the 'skill set' that would be required to move somewhere warm that I would like. So this year I treated myself to a pair of long johns! Yup thermal underwear to keep me warm - especially since my car windows have long since refused to seal and now let in a draft that is hard enough to mess up your hair!! ... makes it a might bit chilly on the highway!
So cheers to the new look of my old blog and cheers to my endeavour to treat myself more kindly this year and others as well.

Wednesday, January 07, 2009

My only loyal reader...

Reminded me that she does check my blog but there hasn't been any action on here for quite some time. Okay so here's an update:
Winter is still here and seems to be taking on the whole flipping country with even more then it's usual vigor. But at least we Canadian's are all suffering together right?? Ughh

Christmas came and went with an added surprise of seeing a long lost friend whom we love much!!

We had a quiet time with immediate family and Joan all the while thinking of our Nova Scotia contingent.

New Year's eve was quiet, we stayed up and wished each other well and then went to bed. We're such party animals here eh? It was really neat though to watch the fireworks on TV from downtown Edmonton instead of somewhere in the US!! Thanks Global that was very cool!

This winter on the prairies has been extreme and while the news casters say it will be good to kill off the Pine Beetle (Yeah!!) I have to wonder how much wildlife we are losing too. It has been so cold and there is more snow then we have seen in a few years. Hopefully all my fur coated and feathered pals are managing.

As a family we have been excited with the many writing projects that Pam has coming out this year! Two books and another one quickly on it's heals to be followed by another!! Wahooo !! You're really rocking Pam. Too bad that you've got to live the starving artist for a bit though! It is going to add substance and grit to your next projects though!!

This year, me thinks for myself, will be a year of reconnecting with old friends and also of personal growth and discovery.

About Me

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Dog's, Dog's, DAWGS! They show us how to be honest with ourselves, non-judgmental and to forgive quickly !