Friday, March 28, 2008

Right back atcha!

I can't believe the amount of stress I have put myself through over this last month trying to make a decision. Being new to the area I really don't want to upset any new acquaintances that I have made. It has taken me this long to see that the same thoughtfulness is not reciprocated. Granted that is a rather broad and sweeping statement and I do not mean to lump everyone in there all together. I am just disappointed. Very disappointed and disheartened.

Life will go on though and I will once again align myself with projecting positive energy which will assist me in attracting positive energy and influences back. This is a process of 'right back atcha' that I really like! As of late I have been unable to deflect negative energies and so have absorbed and been consumed by them. Well no more!

Tomorrow I will once again; think positive thoughts (even about negative things- yes it can be done), perform random acts of kindness, and enjoy myself.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Decisions Descisions

Although there are times in my life where I crave change I have a huge problem with the actual leap it can take to achieve it.
Often times the problem comes from worrying more about what other people are going to think, and whether I can live with what that might be, than from what I want to do. Sometimes my desire not to disrupt or ruffle other people makes me actually stay in a position that makes no sense to my well being whether that be physically, mentally or even monetarily.
So I need to decide, jump or stay? I'm thinking jump! There's no risk financially for sure, but what about retaining friends? Hmmm. I'm going to hope that they want what's best for me too!

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Light therapy

I'll admit that when I do not get enough sunlight my mood, my stamina, my brain... they all falter. And yes I should really be taking a half an hour every morning to turn on my little sun machine and trick my brain into believing that the sun is really shining on me.

I think that I'm not alone. I think that this condition, SAD as it's referred to, is probably genetic. May be I ought to plug the light in and we can all take turns, facing the light. I guess it's easier to face the light than the music.

Tomorrow will be an interesting day I think. Monday even more so, but I'm sure that staring into the bright light will numb my brain enough to feign my way through it all.


Thursday, March 13, 2008

What do you do when nothing you do is good enough?

I take issue with people that continually and deliberately cut you down. My personality is such that I just try harder to get approval. In the work place this gets very complicated because I refuse to let my work ethic or professionalism suffer as a result of workplace strife.
The harder I work, in an effort to avoid staff interaction, the more flack I seem to get for trying hard. "Why bother, nobody cares" or "What are you stupid?".... blah blah blah.
If the staff could see themselves as a team and see that if we all pulled together the service, animal and client care and reputation of the clinic would be awesome. If that were to happen there would be benefits to the staff too: Pride, accomplishment and most likely increased wages.

About Me

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Dog's, Dog's, DAWGS! They show us how to be honest with ourselves, non-judgmental and to forgive quickly !