Monday, March 24, 2008

Decisions Descisions

Although there are times in my life where I crave change I have a huge problem with the actual leap it can take to achieve it.
Often times the problem comes from worrying more about what other people are going to think, and whether I can live with what that might be, than from what I want to do. Sometimes my desire not to disrupt or ruffle other people makes me actually stay in a position that makes no sense to my well being whether that be physically, mentally or even monetarily.
So I need to decide, jump or stay? I'm thinking jump! There's no risk financially for sure, but what about retaining friends? Hmmm. I'm going to hope that they want what's best for me too!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Real friends are just that, your real friends. They not only want what is best for you, they love and respect you for going after it. As do I. Love and respect you for it. Decisions are tough, but I think it's worse if you don't make a decision either way and the issues eat away at you until there is nothing left but a shell. I'm with you all the way!

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Dog's, Dog's, DAWGS! They show us how to be honest with ourselves, non-judgmental and to forgive quickly !